Principal Investigators
Associated Faculty

Huizhen Yu
University of Alberta
Research Associates
James Bell
University of Alberta/Amii
Ph.D Students

Alex Ayoub
Supervisor: Csaba Szepesvári and Dale Schuurmans

Andrew Jacobsen
Supervisor: Adam White

Blanca Miller
Supervisor: Rupam Mahmood

Gábor Mihucz
Supervisor: Csaba Szepesvári

Homayoon Farrahi
Supervisor: Rupam Mahmood
J .Fernando Hernandez
Supervisor: Rich Sutton

Michael Przystupa
Supervisor: Matt Taylor

Tian Tian
Supervisor: Rich Sutton

Hon Tik Tse
Supervisor: Marlos C. Machado
Research Assistants
M.Sc Students

Amirmohammad Karimi
Supervisor: Martin Jagersand and Rupam Mahmood

Arash Pourzarabi
Supervisor: Michael Bowling

Chang Liu
Supervisor: Csaba Szepesvári

Daniel Mitchell
Supervisor: ? and Martha Steenstrup

Fatemeh Abdollahi
Supervisor: Matt Taylor and Levi Lelis

Samuel Robertson
Supervisor: Csaba Szepesvári